Paid wrong payee by accident

When paying your bill online from your Bank / Institutions website, it is possible to make a mistake and send payment to the wrong company, in this particular case, to TELAIR. If you have made a payment to TELAIR by accident, please contact your Financial Institution to open a Bill […]


Canada’s leading provider of IP phone lines & systems TELAIR intelligently unifies and manages businesses’ and professionals’ communications system. With our easy-to-use online control center, it provides businesses with a single portal that connects communications such as phone, fax and email. We are the first in Canada to develop a […]

How Secure Is Your Corporate IP Phone Network?

Source: LinkedIn The recent hacks against Sony Pictures have prompted most businesses to take security measures to protect their own corporate IP networks. However, in this process IP Phone systems have been almost completely overlooked and thus left unprotected. Unfortunately most business owners do not realize the devastating impact of a […]

The phone company and the customer service maze

Ever experienced this: You call a phone company for support on an existing service or to inquire about a new feature and are presented with an auto attendant recording. Not just any auto attendant, one that lists 10 options with three sub menus. All the options in some way relate […]