Forms // Porting
Local Number Porting (LNP) & Toll Free Number Porting (RespOrg)
Porting is the term used when transferring your phone number(s) from one carrier to another. The process is quite simple, but requires some security checks to help validate you are the true owner of the phone number(s).
The form below acts as letter of authorization (LOA) that permits us to contact your previous service provider and schedule a date to transfer your phone numbers listed provided below. It is important to include / attach a recent copy of a phone bill associated to those phone numbers clearly identifying the service address and phone numbers you wish to port.Por
1. Please do not end service on any of the number(s) listed above until porting has been completed fully indicated by FOC port confirmation notification.
2. Please verify any number(s) listed above are not associated to active internet services you wish to retain or notify your existing provider about retaining internet services after port.