Forms // Porting

Local Number Porting (LNP) & Toll Free Number Porting (RespOrg)

Porting is the term used when transferring your phone number(s) from one carrier to another. The process is quite simple, but requires some security checks to help validate you are the true owner of the phone number(s).

The form below acts as letter of authorization (LOA) that permits us to contact your previous service provider and schedule a date to transfer your phone numbers listed provided below. It is important to include / attach a recent copy of a phone bill associated to those phone numbers clearly identifying the service address and phone numbers you wish to port.Por

Service address on file with your current carrier.
Please list all phone numbers you wish to port comma separated (,).
Leave blank to indicate as soon as possible (ASAP)
Are any of the number(s) listed above a mobile phone number?
Please provide your mobile account number associated with the number(s) listed above to port.
Please list all phone numbers you wish to disconnect or abandon comma separated (,).
In most cases, this is rarely used and you can ignore.
For your security & to verify ownership of the phone numbers requested to be ported, please provide a recent phone bill.
By agreeing, I verify that I am, or represent (for a business), the above-named service customer, authorized to change the primary carrier(s) for the telephone number(s) listed, and am at least 18 years of age. The name and address I have provided is the name and address on record with my local telephone company for each telephone number listed. I authorize TELAIR.NET Ltd. or its designated agent to act on my behalf and notify my current carrier(s) to change my preferred carrier(s) for the listed number(s) and service(s), to obtain any information TELAIR deems necessary to make the carrier change(s).

I understand that TELAIR is not responsible for any penalties or fees imposed by the previous carrier for porting out phone numbers that may be part of an existing contract. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to review all terms and conditions with my current carrier before submitting my port request.
Separate email addresses with a comma.

1. Please do not end service on any of the number(s) listed above until porting has been completed fully indicated by FOC port confirmation notification.

2. Please verify any number(s) listed above are not associated to active internet services you wish to retain or notify your existing provider about retaining internet services after port.